And since Peashooters thrive when Pogo Pea-ing their arses off and bean jumping to get higher than the Empire State, Rock Pea's decrease in mobility would have already been bad enough for me to place him as a bottom-tier Peashooter. Rock Pea gets 25 bonus health, but sacrifices speed and DPS. Okay, I'll shut up and talk about Rock Pea now. You know? I'm sounding about as stupid as the time a teacher at my school compared a kid to Hitler over refusing to color his assignment.

Okay, Rock Pea is a terror against humanity and a threat to us all because of how terrible of a character he is, but at least he is not an Avengers-level threat that killed thousands of people. It's like, those rocks were like the remnants of Pompeii or something. Nothing screams useless like a pile of rocks smashed on a disfigured pea plant. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2: All Peashooters RANKED! 11. Anyways, without further ado, RPG Ranked presents. And obviously, this article is based off of the Peashooters! As always, I will be ranking all of the options from worst to best based off of my own personal opinion while trying to provide unbias reasoning to justify my claims. Next up is the light assault characters: Peashooters and Engineers. When it comes to Garden Warfare articles, first, I did the snipers: Cactus and Captain Deadbeard. Yes, I know that the picture I snapped for this article is from Garden Warfare 1.